Category Archives: Natural Health


Up your Game with Our Immune Boosters

Good morning and happy weekend dear friends and partners in healthy living, welcome to this blessed and glorious day.

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How to overcome diabetes, high blood pressure, malaria, depression and common diseases

Good evening dear precious friends and compliments of the day, we hope you’re having a nice day and you are well rested, we are also hoping you are keeping safe and healthy, both physically and emotionally and not drained emotionally with all the negative information all around us, it is as if there is no escaping from it and it is affecting many people , there is increase in insomnia, overeating, heart palpitations and of cause the usual diabetes, high blood pressure, malaria and depression, we are hoping and believing that none of you has fallen victim to any of above. Read More


Secrets of Optimal Health March 2021

Happy New Month to all our valued and respected customers, as we start this journey of life in this third month of the year 2021, may we all reflect on our journey so far since the beginning of 2021, how have we done with our New year resolutions, we all know that Covid19 disjointed all our plans as fear of being infectted with Covid19 became the order of the day. Read More


Happy Eid Mubarak To All Our Muslim Brothers And Sisters

Happy Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim brothers and sisters and happy holiday to all, even though it seems to have been our longest holiday ever in time of peace but we have all survived thus far and by God’s grace and self determination and of cause emotional and physical support from all, we will defeat this unexplainable event. Read More


Have you heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

It is a mood disorder that is characterised by depression that occurs at the same time every year especially during this rainy period, and in Europe, during winter season. It occurs during the season when sunlight is limited at certain times of the year.

Symptoms include fatigue, depression, feeling of hopelessness and social withdrawal.

We are noticing more people with SAD, but it is nothing to be afraid of because there are scientifically proven ways to overcome this seasonal ailment that is now prevalent among young and old people.

Ways to overcome SAD:
– Make your environment brighter by putting brighter or colourful lamps or bulbs.
– Eat smarter and keep away from carbohydrate because, although, they may provide you with temporary relieve, they will ultimately increase your feeling of anxiety and depression.

Stimulate your body if you are finding it difficult getting up every morning through the following:

– Exercise: Take a 35 minute fast walk every day, it will work wonders for your mood.
– Turn on the tunes, play music that cheers you up
– Spend more time outside, and in the evening, make yourself a hot cup of cinnamon, mint, clove, ginger and lemon tea. It is great, and you may also take it during the day.


Healthy Organic Duck Meat

Do you know that duck meat is healthier than chicken?

Duck meat at 100 grams only gives you 337 calories when consumed with the skin, and when consumed without the skin, it gives you 250 calories. In duck meat, you will get your vitamin A, B1-6, and magnesium.

If your goal is to eat better this year, them duck is the protein for you. Duck is a lean meat when compared to skinless chicken or turkey breast, and it is also an excellent source of selenium and zinc which are both great for your cellular metabolism. Duck meat has long been the secret behind Chinese women’s leanness.

Our duck is 100% organic and wild.


Is what you are eating, eating you up?

At a time when our foods are being assailed by chemical-based Agriculture,we have to be more conscious because what we eat is what we are and it is the outcome of our well-being and wellness.

The emergence of kidney and liver failure among the young and the old is not an accident but something that happens after long years of abuse through what we eat and drink. The responsibility lies with us as individuals to choose what we eat not simply to quench hunger but to be healthy and strong mentally, emotionally and physically. This is possible, and you do not need to be rich to achieve optimum health and well-being – and we mean all-round wellness.

As we go through current weather changes, it is very important that your immune system is at its optimal level. Building up your immune system should start with drinking water and eating foods that are fit to drink and eat. It is important to make sure that all vegetables and fruits are free from pesticides and mycotoxins. Washing your vegetables and fruits effectively is more important than even the cooking. Using just salt and vinegar very rarely remove all the residues of impurities. We now have in stock “veggie wash” which you can order, and it is very affordable. For us, organic foods, fruits and vegetables are best, but they still need to be washed due to environmental pollutants.

There are certain vegetables & herbs that you must always include in your diet to have a healthy kidney and liver. They include: bitter leaves, lemon grass, ginger, turmeric, ugu, ewedu and many more. Live well.

Healing with foods


Do you know that good health and happiness begin with you and it is affordable? The keys to optimum health and happiness are both spiritual and physical. These are simple things to apply:

– Eat meals that are filled with balance and essential nutrients especially during this rainy season when we have very high amount of pollutants around.
– Get at least 8 hours of sleep per day – Have 30 minutes beauty sleep during the day. 
– Start your day with few slices of lemon brewed in a cup of hot water. Start every meal with a few slices of pawpaw, mango, banana or watermelon, they will aid digestion.
– Never leave home without breakfast but make it a healthy one – Organic millet, fruits and nuts granola with Greek yoghurt is great, or fill yourself up with banana, blueberry, flaxseed and chia seed smoothie. If banana is not your thing, alternate with pineapple or watermelon.
– Enrich and nourish your body with green vegetables that would build your immune system such as spinach, kale, watercress, cavolo nero, water leaves, ewedu, ugu, etc.
– Steam your vegetables instead of boiling. If you must stew them, put them last in your soup or stew for two minutes.
– Drink ten glasses of clean water with a pH of 7 or slightly alkaline. Your body will love you for it.
– Reduce salt intake or avoid it if you could. It would be great if you could also keep away from monosodium glutamate-processed seasoning.
– Nourish your body with oily fish but not pond-bred catfish. Eat goat meat or organic chicken but all must be moderate.
– Embrace fibre, protein and vitamin rich foods such as black beans, lentils, cabbage and cauliflower swallow.
– Snack on flaxseeds, linseeds, black seeds, and chia seeds with organic Greek yoghurt.
-Do not eat anything heavy after 7pm.

Enjoy good health and happiness. You are worthy of it, and you deserve it. Remember to be active and walk more often.



This week on Healing with Foods: Glycemic Index

How much do you know about Glycemic Index (GI) and which food has low or high GI?
If you have high blood sugar or diabetes, you need to read this.

Foods that are high in GI turn to sugar in your blood stream. These foods include white rice, boiled potatoes, white bread and more. Even though these foods produce sugar, the sugar has a ‘rise and fall effect’, because as the sugar is being produced, it is also falling at a level that could lead to extra strain on the body and ultimately lead to several health problems such as diabetes, increased cravings for sweets, altered mood changes, tiredness and cardiovascular diseases.

Low GI foods, on the other hand, help to correct and keep blood sugar stable. Foods with lowest GI are black beans, cannelloni beans, green lentil, wild rice, etc. These low GI foods can prevent and also help you to manage heart diseases and diabetes.

For your healthy foods and to know more about Glycemic Index of foods, Call/Whatsapp us on +2349073836452, DM us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @OrganicLivingNG.

belly fat


New Weekly Series (Weekly Health Nuggets)


This week on healing with foods: Stomach/abdominal fat.

Abdominal fat, if not checked, could lead to serious chronic diseases such as diabetes, stomach cancer, fibroid and many more. Stop wasting money on fake diets and get your fork and knife into a diet rich in zinc, B vitamins and vitamin C.

Do you know that vitamin C intake is one of the most effective ways to accelerate stomach and abdominal fat loss?

Increase capsaicin in your diet; it is a great fat burner.

Be active at home and at work, and do not sit down for more than one hour without standing up or moving around.

Also watch out on when you have your last meal of the day and how much quantity of food you eat.

Please cheer up and put your mind in that size 8 and knockout dress you have always wanted. It is possible.
Blessed weekend to you all. #HealingwithFoods

Call/whatsapp us on +2349073826452 for more health advice and your organic foods.

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