Who we are

Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association of Nigeria is an Organization registered in Nigeria and Mandated to facilitate the National Organic Livestock Industry Value Chain Programme Nationwide by Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
As part of a mission to reverse the industrialisation of our food and the pollution of the land that nurtures it, we practice organic, sustainable farming with far fewer pesticides and herbicides on our crops. We do not use artificial growth promoters and hormones on our animals, and maintain the highest welfare standards.

We embraced organic farming over 25 years ago and we continue to be dedicated to growing, producing and cooking seasonal, organic food. We believe that when people eat natural, organic food, they can taste the difference. It’s a chain of goodness that begins with healthy soil, and finishes with healthy animals and people.

Respect and nourish the land, and it will nourish you.

A farm in perfect harmony requires few artificial external inputs, yet still yields healthy harvests of meat, dairy, vegetables and fruit, year after year.
We farm towards 100% self-sufficiency. We already strive to be truly sustainable by using no pesticides or fertilizers, managing field rotations, creating wildlife habitats, harvesting rainwater, installing solar panels and by practicing animal husbandry of the highest welfare standards.

We feed all our ruminant livestock (lamb, dairy, beef and venison) with a GM-free, organic, forage-based diet grown on our own farms. We have been committed to year-on-year reductions in fossil fuel usage and carbon emissions. We’re also on the way to sending nothing to landfill.
All our food comes straight from our farm to your fork: our MEAT AND POULTRY, fruit and vegetables from our MARKET GARDEN, bread from our BAKERY, and cheese, milk and yogurt from our CREAMERY. To make our soups and meals, our chefs use only the freshest ingredients, combined with simple techniques to bring out the natural flavours of our seasonal, organic produce.

When we don’t make a product on our farm, we source from artisan suppliers who share our commitment to quality and sustainability, and who produce items to our recipes. We are fully transparent in that you can visit our farm to see for yourself how our animals are kept, where our vegetables are grown and how our food is produced.

“Going green doesn’t start with doing green acts — it starts with a shift in consciousness.
This shift allows you to recognize that with every choice you make, you are voting either for or against the kind of world you wish to see. When you assume this as a way of being, your choices become easier. Using a reusable water bottle, recycling and making conscious daily consumer choices are just a few…”

Ian Somerhalder



What we do

Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association of Nigeria was formed to create a better world, where we farm responsibly, eat healthily and live in balance with the environment.

We support farmers and growers to learn, grow, research and tackle the most serious food and farming challenges. Today we’re still dedicated to this goal and making positive change happen. As a result of the fact that there isn’t one solution to the problems facing our food culture, our work is broadly focused.

Everything we do champions organic principles and practice, to secure the health and vitality of people, farm animals and nature. We work to make good food the easy choice for everyone across Nigeria, whoever and wherever they are.

Together, along with our supporters, we aim to build a world where people, animals and the planet can thrive.

© 2024  Organic Food. All Rights Reserved. #eraOsaWorks