December 28, 2017
The Need for Organic Agriculture
According to statistics it has been predicted that in 2020 Oil will dry up in Nigeria.
Since the creation/Evolve of Man, we know by history that we were made to till the ground and live based on Natural resources. But thanks to the introduction of Technology many have become lazy and artificial looking for shortcuts to life.
At the moment, foreign analyst have made research in to the Nigerian economy and predicted that soon enough one of the relied on sources of revenue in Nigeria will fail which is crude oil.
Yes, Nigeria is one of the Largest Oil production Countries in the World, even though they do not have the infrasture to refine these resources, which we will address in a later post but Nigeria export crude oil to foreign bodies, who later refine the Oil and sell back to them.
This is what is called “Pyramid Scheme”! In other words the foreign companies refining the Oil and sending back to Nigeria are “Pyramid Scheming us”.
It may seem like a joke but its a fact that in 2020 Nigeria may no longer exist because we fail to adhere to the saying
“don’t put all yours eggs in one Basket”.
I strongly advice you reading this, to make a change and not rely on the government to survive but go in to other sources of revenue generation like Organic Agriculture because thats our initial root and it doesn’t fail.
Join the Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association of Nigeria, we are facilitators of Organic Livestock and Crops value chain programme in Nigeria mandated by the Federal Government, we will help you transition to a more reliable & economically sustainable way of living.
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