Tag Archives: insomia


How to overcome diabetes, high blood pressure, malaria, depression and common diseases

Good evening dear precious friends and compliments of the day, we hope you’re having a nice day and you are well rested, we are also hoping you are keeping safe and healthy, both physically and emotionally and not drained emotionally with all the negative information all around us, it is as if there is no escaping from it and it is affecting many people , there is increase in insomnia, overeating, heart palpitations and of cause the usual diabetes, high blood pressure, malaria and depression, we are hoping and believing that none of you has fallen victim to any of above. Read More


Natural Foods and Vegetables to help you sleep like a Baby

Insomnia hits most people at certain periods of their lives. According to NISD ( National Institute of Sleeping Disorders) 8 out of ten people have suffered from Insomnia at some point in time. Several natural fruits can be used to reduce insomnia. Most of these are not strictly just for chronic insomniacs but also just to help people enjoy deeper sleep. Read More

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