Tag Archives: Health tips


Emotional & Physical Health Tips

Good evening very day beloved and cherished amazing friends, we hope your weekend was okay and not stressful nor affected by the trauma of in security or economic challenges. Read More



This week on Healing with Foods: Glycemic Index

How much do you know about Glycemic Index (GI) and which food has low or high GI?
If you have high blood sugar or diabetes, you need to read this.

Foods that are high in GI turn to sugar in your blood stream. These foods include white rice, boiled potatoes, white bread and more. Even though these foods produce sugar, the sugar has a ‘rise and fall effect’, because as the sugar is being produced, it is also falling at a level that could lead to extra strain on the body and ultimately lead to several health problems such as diabetes, increased cravings for sweets, altered mood changes, tiredness and cardiovascular diseases.

Low GI foods, on the other hand, help to correct and keep blood sugar stable. Foods with lowest GI are black beans, cannelloni beans, green lentil, wild rice, etc. These low GI foods can prevent and also help you to manage heart diseases and diabetes.

For your healthy foods and to know more about Glycemic Index of foods, Call/Whatsapp us on +2349073836452, DM us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @OrganicLivingNG.

belly fat


New Weekly Series (Weekly Health Nuggets)


This week on healing with foods: Stomach/abdominal fat.

Abdominal fat, if not checked, could lead to serious chronic diseases such as diabetes, stomach cancer, fibroid and many more. Stop wasting money on fake diets and get your fork and knife into a diet rich in zinc, B vitamins and vitamin C.

Do you know that vitamin C intake is one of the most effective ways to accelerate stomach and abdominal fat loss?

Increase capsaicin in your diet; it is a great fat burner.

Be active at home and at work, and do not sit down for more than one hour without standing up or moving around.

Also watch out on when you have your last meal of the day and how much quantity of food you eat.

Please cheer up and put your mind in that size 8 and knockout dress you have always wanted. It is possible.
Blessed weekend to you all. #HealingwithFoods

Call/whatsapp us on +2349073826452 for more health advice and your organic foods.

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