Tag Archives: health


Secrets of Optimal Health March 2021

Happy New Month to all our valued and respected customers, as we start this journey of life in this third month of the year 2021, may we all reflect on our journey so far since the beginning of 2021, how have we done with our New year resolutions, we all know that Covid19 disjointed all our plans as fear of being infectted with Covid19 became the order of the day. Read More


Cavolo Nero, Kale’s Heartier Cousin

Cavolo Nero, also known as black cabbage, is even more nutritious and has more vitamin contents than kale. This Tuscan origin vegetable, which is now organically grown in Nigeria, is rich in isothiocyanate. Isothiocyanate has been scientifically proven to prevent cancer and suppress growth of tumours, be it fibroid or cancerous growth. The anti-cancer effect of isothiocyanate has been attributed to its ability to eliminate potential carcinogens from the body, reduce DNA damage and facilitate apoptosis (self-destruction of cancerous cells).

As always, because we put health and well-being first, we are bringing this to you. Please, make it part of your salad or add it to your foods so that you can enjoy its numerous benefits as an anti-cancer, antioxidant, weight loss essential, and immune system booster.

Bonus tip: Add purple cabbage to your meals, too.

For more health tips or advice, kindly contact us:

+234907 383 6452 (whatsapp or call) or OrganicLivingNG (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).

Vibrant Produce

Let Us Know Your Health Challenges. We Can Help!

Integrated health care is the best health management for anyone who wants to live a qualitative and optimum healthy life and not just long life. We strongly believe that prevention should be at the forefront of healthcare, because diseases are preventable. Our lifestyle and environment should be paramount in our mind if we want to live a healthy life.

Talking of the environment, a lot of people stay in a room full of people without opening the windows to let in natural air simply because the weather is cold; instead, they stay in recycled air-filled room for hours.

Malaria, cholera, meningitis, polio, dysentery, hepatitis, and many other diseases could be prevented if we take greater interest in both our internal and external environment. This is what we must individually strive to achieve, and we will feel better and happier for it. We do not need to be rich to live in a clean environment. As the popular saying goes, “cleanliness is next to godliness”, we must always have that at the back of our minds, particularly owing to the fact that our Nation is one of the ‘most religious’ Nations in the World.Lifestyle healthcare empowers us all as individuals to take total control of our health. Without optimum physical and emotional health, monetary wealth cannot in any way give any individual the satisfaction they desire.

The saying “we are what we eat” is actually a scientific fact. Therefore, we must all strive to adopt a holistic, wholesome, organic, chemical-free lifestyle in what we eat and what we apply on our skin. Organic, wholesome, locally-grown and seasonal vegetables and fruits should be our choice diet. Regular physical activity, adequate and quality sleep, and proper stress management should be normal parts of our lives.

We should also adopt a disciplined approach in how often we take antibiotics, alcohol, etc. We should all thrive to build emotional and physical resilience to issues around us and also resist the temptation of falling into the usage of risky substances, but should instead adopt non-drug modalities to prevent, treat, and even reverse lifestyle related chronic diseases.

Going back to natural and organic life should be the norm, because suddenly, the world is now witnessing life threatening diseases that never existed. And the fact before us now is that most people have become resistant to antibiotics due to the consumption of antibiotics available in our livestock products, marine products, and even water, because medical wastes are now being dumped in our oceans and rivers. Our aim is to help people to adopt a healthier lifestyle that could reverse already existing health problems and revitalise damaged vital organs and could also reverse any lifestyle-induced diseases. We believe that the first line of defence against diseases is a change in lifestyle that would lead to a sustainable health, and we are well equipped with the expertise to support individuals find the happiness and good health that they deserve.

Almost all the diseases that are destroying our people are avoidable and reversible. These could be high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, obesity, gout, ulcer, rheumatism, chronic body pain, metabolic syndromes, heart disease, addictions, and kidney and liver diseases, and many more. We help people adopt qualitative and optimum lifestyle that is sustainable without breaking their banks. We make recommendations that are affordable and adaptable.

At a time when qualitative healthcare is skyrocketing at a high speed, our wellness and optimum health programme is fast becoming the best option and we are proud to say that we have had a sustainable breakthrough in prostate management, fertility treatment, hot flushes, premenstrual health challenges, sexual health challenges, prevention and management of fibroid (which, unfortunately, is becoming a major challenge for our women). We also offer Allergy tests.

It has become necessary and important for us to let people know that there are expert hands available for them. Our Organization boasts of experts that have practices in two of the lifestyle management institutions in the United Kingdom: Hale Clinic, U.K and Health Optimising, UK.

In an industry where people are often just told that they can lose all their body fats, have flat tummies and cure all diseases , we are totally committed to making sure that you have a scientifically tried and tested, evidence-based facts, and support you to reach and achieve optimum physical and emotional health. You can activate your self-healing ability through transformational coaching to create your best of health. Contact us to know how.



Luella Optimum Health and Wellness

Luella Optimum Health and Wellness is a wellness, health, well-being and nutrition service company that provides health, well-being, nutrition and diet services to the general public.

We are a service oriented organization that offers complete bespoke and individualized wellness, nutrition, diet, health and well-being consulting and advisory services. We are an Organization that is rooted on prevention of illnesses that could cause more harm to the body and soul. We do this by utilizing organically and locally grown fruits, vegetables, legumes and other crops in building the immunity of our clients. Read More


Welcome a healthy, Happy and Wiser you

Let’s make you feel great again, yes it is possible. We know that life could be challenging and if not well managed could slide down to mental health issues, such as depression, insomnia, heart attack, high blood pressure, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, cigarette addiction and obesity through over eating. Read More


Let’s MOT you to a healthier, fit and happy you!

Are you a woman between the age of 30 and above? Then our interest here is how healthy are you?

  • Are you the same weight you were when you were twenty years old?
  • Do you sleep well?
  • Do you feel stressed out?
  • Is your skin flaky?
  • Do you have body pain?
  • Is menstrual flow consistent?
  • Do you feel bloated in the Morning?
  • Do you binge in sugar?
  • Do you feel sloppy in the morning?

If you have marked three of these questions then we will want to speak with you because it likely has to do with what you eat and your general diet and nutrition.



Secrets of Healthy Living

  • Think Positive
  • Do things that adds value to you, your environment and everyone else.
  • Eat Well by eating foods free from Chemicals, additives and Preservatives.
  • Keep away from canned food or food in plastic.
  • Smile and laugh more.
  • Be physically active.
  • Keep away from alcohol and prescribed drugs
  • Keep your environment clean.
  • Drink water regularly and drink room temperature water
  • Avoid unhealthy, processed food and snacks.
  • Spend less time on Phones, TV and Computers
  • Make reliable friends with similar interests.
  • Get active each day.
  • Get active Each Day.
  • Choose water as a first Choice drink
  • Eat more Fruit and Vegetables

Cancer Prevention And Solutions

You Probably know that diet is one of the most important elements in cancer prevention along with exercise and stress-free life. It is one of the few things that you can control since genetics, lifestyle and environment is also a determinant. Read More


Buy Right, Cook Right, be Healthy and Happy.

Eating well does not just make us healthy it makes us happy. Eating the right thing should not cost you a fortune and you do not have to be rich.

Eating right means buying locally organically grown crops and meat that are free from additives, preservatives & other harmful organism.

Our population have become anti-biotic and drugs resistant’s and this is as a result of what we eat.

Cutting down on red meat consumption is highly recommended. Read More



Food safety and security is an issue of growing interest and global concern. Global industrialization of agriculture has to a large extent tackled the issue of food shortage but more attention needs to be paid on the quality and safety of food being produced and consumed. Farmers have deliberately or ignorantly introduced various potential hazardous chemicals at various stages of farming processes in the form of Pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, steroids, preservatives and ripening agents.

These chemicals and their residual components are dangerous to our health. These farmers are mostly uneducated, hence the onus for regulatory bodies to enlighten them on food safety. Read More

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