Tag Archives: covid19


Build your immune system; it is now the best investment.

Dear friend’s, who could have known that suddenly, 2020 and 2021 will be about virus and worse of all, pandemic in form, humanity has never been so fragile since the Spanish plague and suddenly immunity has become the main thing everyone is scrambling for, be it through the vaccines or through vitamins or through what we eat, it is a wakeup call for everyone that, it is now, how healthy are you and no longer how wealthy are you? There is now very little difference between upper class and lower class in every society. Read More


Secrets of Optimal Health March 2021

Happy New Month to all our valued and respected customers, as we start this journey of life in this third month of the year 2021, may we all reflect on our journey so far since the beginning of 2021, how have we done with our New year resolutions, we all know that Covid19 disjointed all our plans as fear of being infectted with Covid19 became the order of the day. Read More

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