Strengthen Hips and Knees with Pineapple Ginger Turmeric Joint Juice
Fresh pineapple juiced with ginger and fresh turmeric is a sweet drink with a kick courtesy of the ginger! You can drink this regularly to ease your joints and it works wonders.
Joint problems along with many other health issues are a product of inflammation in the body. Bromelain in pineapple can help lessen inflammation and everyone knows ginger and turmeric are two of the best immune building anti-inflammatory agents in the plant world so combining all the three would be potent.
Cut Pineapple
Why Juice?
It would seem eating fresh pineapple would give the same benefits but actually it does not. When you juice, you lose the fiber but you get a potent and concentrated dose of antioxidants and vitamins in a readily usable state. It’s kind of like getting a shot of wheat grass or a shot of alcohol which is very potent, if you get what this means. It’s undiluted and super concentrated, thus getting absorbed quickly and easily by the body and the bloodstream. When joints are leaky ,creaky and cranky you need easy absorption to heal quickly and well. By the time you digest all the fiber from eating whole pineapple your joints are not going to get as much’ joint fixing power’ as they would in a glass of juice. A pineapple smoothie is great too but again not as potent as juice. A smoothie will break it down easier than eating pineapple so if you don’t have a juicer you can smoothie it.
If you’re diabetic you may want to proceed with caution here. Sugars need to be in good control before you try this and you must add plain celery or cucumber to dilute the fruit sugar. Also drinking juice with nuts or some form of protein is recommended for diabetics. You may add half a cucumber or a few stalks of celery in the chute when making make juice. As with any remedy get an Ok from your physician.
Nutrition Wise
Pineapple has strong immune support properties and is great for bone health. It’s a strong anti-inflammatory which means it reduces inflammation in the body. A sweet, healing fruit, it is bursting with vitamin c and magnesium which is another reason its calms the joints and muscles. Magnesium is the ‘keep calm’ relaxing mineral. Ginger also has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural pain reducer. It boosts metabolism and can calm indigestion and stomach pain.
This root can increase digestion and absorption by 40 to 50 % making it a great addition to this joint juice. Turmeric in the last decade is being hailed as the queen of spices both in the culinary world and the world of natural healing. It’s been linked to everything from improving ones memory to preventing cancer. We have so much to say about the magic spice turmeric. Anyway as you can see, all these powerful ingredients make one heck of a natural joint juice.
Juicing Elements
Using one pineapple a week, divide it into 4 or 5 wedges and use one wedge a day. The core is perfectly usable too and when you peel, leave as much as you can on the pineapple. Just scrape the ginger and use a good two inches. If you find that too spicy, start with one inch. The more fresh ginger you add the better. Use tender turmeric which you can get from our online shop. You should be able to break the turmeric with your fingers and then you know its tender enough to juice.
You can also use a splash of turmeric powder if you don’t get the fresh. Juice turmeric and add some extra spice. You would love the extra kick and texture turmeric powder gives any juice. As with any natural remedy consistency is the key. We would recommend drinking it at least 4 times/ week and waiting at least 3 weeks to see if there is any improvement.