Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association Of Nigeria

Grow Organic, Live Organic, Eat Healthy & Glow

February 20, 2018

Organic Pest Control Methods

Based on the numerous questions we get via email and social media on how to organically handle pest, we have decided to publish this article explaining natural hassle-free methods of crops and plants pest control.

As you may know, pest can be a really serious threat to your hard work on your farm or garden. They reduce yield in crops and plant productions which in turn leads to decline in your Agricultural income.

Use of chemicals to control agricultural pest is naturally not advisable as these leads to poor crop development, soil degradation, anti-biotic tolerance and other negative side effects as its not eco friendly.

Although, carefully adhering to the outlined steps should assist you get rid of pests in your farm or garden naturally but keep in mind that keeping a healthy soil can never be over emphasized because the healthier the soil the less chances of pest invasion.

  1. Crop Rotation: This has to do with changing the type of crop a farmer grows per year. This is done mostly due to the fact that different crops may constitute different types of pets. Therefore, by alternating the type of crop per year, you can get rid of the idea of allowing a particular type of pest getting used to the crops being planted.
  2. Predator Bugs: Knowing that not all bugs are pest, there are other kinds of bugs that actually help to keep away dangerous pest. These bugs help in plant pollination and waste decomposition. See image…Insects That Benefit The Garden
    Source: Blog
  3. Intercropping: Is a method of simultaneously cultivating more than one type of crops on the same farm land. How this work is that the pest from other plants seem to repel those from other plants which makes it harder for the pest to focus on their targeted crops.
  4. Use of plants: There are leafs with particularly offensive smell to pests but are also good for the environment and consumption. Example of such plant is scent leaf. This leaf is also beneficial health-wise, in that drinking the liquid extract helps the body.

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  1. 5 years ago


    Nasiru Muhammad muazu


    Thank you for giving me this opportunity

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