Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association Of Nigeria

Grow Organic, Live Organic, Eat Healthy & Glow

February 13, 2018

Loose weight Naturally Episode 1

Here are precise, concise natural ways to loose weight and get rid of stomach fat without spending lots of money on drugs.

Are you hoping to get rid of excess fat in your body and stomach? Then these article is to you.

  1. Cut down on Alcohol intake:
    The quickest was to reduce pot belly is to quit drinking beer. Most people who develop pot belly is usually as a result of beer.
  2. Quality not quantity
    Do not feel that you need to consume lots of food to stay healthy. No. Food is not about quantity but quality, don’t load your belly with excess food rather eat to a quantity that your tummy can Carry and once you’re fed up, stop eating.
  3. Watch your Carbohydrate consumption
    Eating excess carbohydrate isn’t the best. You should rather have a good portion of all Nutrients.
  4. Carbohydrate is easily metabolized in the body, thereby making you hungry quicker as they do not contain the ‘satisfying’ elements which is usually found in protein and fats.

We will leave you with these 3 hints for now.
Following these steps would definitely bring about a significance in your body fat situations.

Comment (1)

  1. 7 years ago


    Salihu Idris


    Am so glad with these that have seen it will go a long way for me and my families. Once kudos to u all

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