Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association Of Nigeria

Grow Organic, Live Organic, Eat Healthy & Glow

August 20, 2019

Have you heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

It is a mood disorder that is characterised by depression that occurs at the same time every year especially during this rainy period, and in Europe, during winter season. It occurs during the season when sunlight is limited at certain times of the year.

Symptoms include fatigue, depression, feeling of hopelessness and social withdrawal.

We are noticing more people with SAD, but it is nothing to be afraid of because there are scientifically proven ways to overcome this seasonal ailment that is now prevalent among young and old people.

Ways to overcome SAD:
– Make your environment brighter by putting brighter or colourful lamps or bulbs.
– Eat smarter and keep away from carbohydrate because, although, they may provide you with temporary relieve, they will ultimately increase your feeling of anxiety and depression.

Stimulate your body if you are finding it difficult getting up every morning through the following:

– Exercise: Take a 35 minute fast walk every day, it will work wonders for your mood.
– Turn on the tunes, play music that cheers you up
– Spend more time outside, and in the evening, make yourself a hot cup of cinnamon, mint, clove, ginger and lemon tea. It is great, and you may also take it during the day.

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