Happy New Year to all our Friends!
Happy New Year to all our friends, welcome to a new beginning, we wish you a bright , beautiful, healthy , stress free and prosperous new year, we know that coming into a new year has not, wiped away all the challenges of 2020, but it gives us opportunity, to re-evaluate and make make changes where it is necessary.
May we suggest we start with the home front, our families , have we neglected anyone, have listened enough, have we paid attention to their emotional well-being and health, have we looked after ourselves, are we at peace within ourselves and our immediate family, have we reached out to friends and other distance families, have we cared about those working in our homes? Are we okay with our business, work and office environment, are we coping well with the pressure of work and family life? Sometimes, we focus more on our economical needs and forget what matters most, when was the last time, you checked your wardrobes and say to yourself, l have things here, l have not worn for years but l could make changes to them and make them fit better or look more elegant and save yourself the pressure of buying more things, you may not really need.
Our nation and the world is in recession, it is time to think clever with every money you spend, Covid19 has thought us,what is most important and that is our health, can we suggest we start the year with good old detox, eat more green and purple vegetables and fruits , eat locally produced fresh fruits and vegetables because chemicals and preservatives have become a really harmful object to health and we can prevent it, reduced processed food because when your healthy, you can handle stress and challenges better, eat food that makes you feel good within yourself, yes, there are foods that actually change your mood and make you feel great, when we are healthy , we can achieve great things, ventilate your homes, put plants in your home, you need oxygen, drink more water, eat moderately and reduce carbohydrates. Get qualitative sleep and if you cannot,get some fresh lemon grass and make yourself tea.
Please incorporate more herbs and legumes to your diet. Reduce sugar and salt and make sure you stretch your body at least for thirty minutes daily . May love reign in your homes this new year. May you achieve your dreams this new year, we promise to serve you better this year and we apologise for our failings last year, we are evaluating and changes will be visible immediately. We thank you so much and we owe our successes to you.
Thank you so much and happy New year to you and your family.