Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association Of Nigeria

Grow Organic, Live Organic, Eat Healthy & Glow

May 24, 2020

Happy Eid Mubarak To All Our Muslim Brothers And Sisters

Happy Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim brothers and sisters and happy holiday to all, even though it seems to have been our longest holiday ever in time of peace but we have all survived thus far and by God’s grace and self determination and of cause emotional and physical support from all, we will defeat this unexplainable event. We will want to use this opportunity to emphasize the importance of emotional health and emotional intelligence. We need to find strength within ourselves to overcome the aftermath of this lock-down and during the continuing lock-down.

It will no doubt be a big challenge for both adults and children to adjust to returning back to work and school after all the fear that we have been fed. That is why it is important to strength our emotional strength because fear is destructive. We can all overcome this current global tragedy but we must all take steps to protect ourselves from the obvious risks, some of us find strength in our religious believes but we can also have a deep thinking about our physical and mental well-being both for ourselves and family members and friends.

Another important aspect is financial and career well-being. Let’s start with physical well-being, we must start questioning the contents of our food and this includes foods, veggies and fruits both in the market and supermarkets. There are simply too many chemicals around and they have found their way in our pots and plates.

Also many of us are not asking questions on where the medical wastes from Corona virus are being disposed off. Recently some medical wastes were found floating in dams and some in landfill. We still have the garbage pickers. Please try and create vegetable pots and most important of all be careful when you wash vegetables, use veggie wash, they guarantee total clean and rinse with pre boiled cold water, we do veggie wash at discounted price, salt is dangerous and vinegar does not totally remove bacteria, eat to build immunity and not to stop hunger, it is those with strong immunity that can fight off viruses.

Let’s take our Omega 3,8,6, and 9 and also eat our veggies, legumes and fruits more than our carbs, learn new skills for tomorrow just in case the worst happens and l mean practical skills, find reason to smile and be happy , remember that being healthy and alive is now top priority. We wish all a happier , more prosperous and healthier future.

The future is brighter and better, keep faith, kill fear, love you all and miss you but we will surely meet again, it is not over.

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