Developing the Right feeding habits
A Diet can be defined as the regular food intake by an individual or people.
Having defined the key words lets delve into the discussion.
This write-up is aimed at helping you be more conscious of your eating habit or pattern as the case may be.
In this article, we’ll be looking at five diets or eating patterns that is best for living a healthy lifestyle for better well-being at large and as a society.
I still remember the popular school rhyme “it’s sweet like sugar yellow like Fanta everybody likes…..” you know the rest and yes indeed everybody likes sweet things. But theres always a good and bd side to things thats why we’ve probably heard before now that all forms of sugar can be very detrimental to our health.
Daily consumptions of soft drinks, candies, carbs, ice-cream and so on constantly exposes us to unwanted sugar which when is excess in the body leads to diabetes, arthritis, poor eye-sight, irritated gums, tooth decays, obesity to mention a few.
Avoid raw sugar and sweeteners.
Eat very low carb diets daily if you must.
Exercise often to breakdown and use-up excess stored sugar
Eat proteins and veggies instead of carbs
If you must use sugar use brown or natural sugar
Subscribe to dark brown chocolates instead of candies
Carbohydrate meals as we all know are energy giving food with mild nutrition so before you eat that bowl of rice, amala with ewedu soup and so forth like bread and fries, ask yourself, Do you need the energy? Or are you just eating to satisfy your mental craving?
Eating carbohydrates on a daily basis is a wrong way to go about our health on a long haul mostly as we approach our 40s and this is something at least 70% of the population is guilty of and it’s a one way street to ill health.
Train your mind to eat only the amount of carbs needed for the day
Don’t eat any carb once its six pm cause its poison as you’re not needing the energy and your body won’t properly digest it so it becomes stored up as fat.
Remember that any urge for carbs afterwards is your brain craving for what it’s already accustomed to not you being hungry.
Always keep a fruit snack around to eat whenever you feel like eating or taking a snack.
If you must eat carbs then do so with more veggies and proteins in that way you’re likely to get satisfied and consume less carbs.
Stick to regular daily exercise and you’ll burn up calories gotten from carbs and stay fit.
This is an on-going trend in boarding schools, restaurants, offices and our sacred homes.
It’s not only wrong to consume raw spices for moral purposes but majorly for our health because spices are gotten from chemical compounds e.g Salt ——- NaCl as well as unprocessed plants. Please, do not put spices like yaji, salt and maggi to already cooked, steamed, or even fried foods.
Eat all your food without addition of raw spices
Eat food for the sake of the nutrition not for the taste.
Avoid excess spices in your food so it doesn’t become a habit
I’ll start by clarifying the popular misconception that oil is bad or the major cause of fatness. No this is also a class of food that’s needed in the body but however, when the wrong type such as animal fats and oils that is high in cholesterol are taken, the adverse effects are usually not so enticing such as clogging of pores, breakouts of acnes, pimples and oily skin, difficulty in breathing and heart complications to mention a few.
So the best bet is to use oil from plant base such as almond, soya-bean, eggs these are all healthy fats for the body e.g mayonnaise, virgin olive oil, canola oil. Hence the popular keto-diet that I recommend to all weight watchers.
By all means don’t eat any food that you can see much oil in.
Use only high nutrient plant based oil in your food.
Avoid fried foods at all cost.
Am sure you’re wondering water? Yes Water. As the years have gone by into civilization we’ve slowly accepted the mirage that we can replace drinking water with juices, fizzy drinks or even alcohol and energy drinks but little do we take into consideration that our bodies need water to regulate its ph and flush out toxins and dirt from our bodies as well as keep us refreshed. Now ever heard ‘‘Water is Life’’? Exactly.
Eat your water through fruits such as watermelon, cucumber, carrots and even mint leaves and lettuce.
Form a habit of taking warm water first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
Always eat your meals with warm water not cold water or drink but if you must, take water at least thirty minutes before and after meal
Try to take at least eight glasses of water a day using 75cl as your measurement.
Replace all fizzy drinks and alcohol with water if you can.
Try a water therapy today to cure body aches, give you healthy muscles, bones and radiant glowing skin.