Build your immune system; it is now the best investment.
Dear friend’s, who could have known that suddenly, 2020 and 2021 will be about virus and worse of all, pandemic in form, humanity has never been so fragile since the Spanish plague and suddenly immunity has become the main thing everyone is scrambling for, be it through the vaccines or through vitamins or through what we eat, it is a wakeup call for everyone that, it is now, how healthy are you and no longer how wealthy are you? There is now very little difference between upper class and lower class in every society.
Everyone is fighting to stay healthy and well. Who could have thought that suddenly, we will be restricted in our movements even to enter open places, yes that is the new reality, the saying health is wealth is now truly the buzz word world, the way it looks, it may become the new world order.
Covid-19 has changed the whole world order and affected lives worse than wars but we may all come out of it stronger and wiser and that is the new reality, that we are simply fragile being and not as powerful as we had perceived humans to be. The animals must be laughing at us, they now have more freedom than us, they can move around without been banned or restricted because of Vaccine passport, yes we had thought , we were superior to them, how were we, now the reality is now, keeping safe and enhancing our immunity is the starting point.
Please as we enter the festive season and after be more mindful of what you eat because you will be truly what you eat, instead of eating beans which is now coated with chemical for preservation, that even foreign countries are rejecting them and worse of all, most of our beans are now genetically modified, go for lentil or black beans or chickpea, the three are still safe, they can be eaten alone or eaten with healthy rice. , there are now healthier swallows, made with healthy vitamin and nutrient rich vegetables and plants such as cauliflower, cabbage, kale, eggplant and even quinoa, they can be eaten with vegetable soups, eat more salads with extras, add moringa to your salad, add boiled lentils on your salads, eat more of those fruits you never ate, such as guava, garden eggs, plums, pawpaw, avocado grapes, eat more almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chai seeds and other healthy nuts.
Drink Caocao to get quality sleep or make yourself fresh lemon grass tea with ginger. All these could boost your immune system. Remove dairy milk, sugar and red meat from your diet. Have a bottle of extra virgin olive oil in your cup board, it is better than butter.
Garlic with olive oil on a piece of almond bread is great afternoon snack. Look after yourself, start your day with a glass of hot water with lemon, eat well, live healthy, love and be happy.
We are with you in this journey and we will overcome, build your immune system; it is now the best investment. Love and peace always!