Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association Of Nigeria

Grow Organic, Live Organic, Eat Healthy & Glow

March 2, 2021

Secrets of Optimal Health March 2021

Happy New Month to all our valued and respected customers, as we start this journey of life in this third month of the year 2021, may we all reflect on our journey so far since the beginning of 2021, how have we done with our New year resolutions, we all know that Covid19 disjointed all our plans as fear of being infectted with Covid19 became the order of the day.Then there is fear and doubts over the Covid19, we have received calls asking us our views and it is an area we have left for everyone to make a decision based of science and facts but wether you decide to take the vaccine or not, we must all be aware that the vaccine is not really the magic bullet that will make everybody to go back to normal life, we should all remain conscious of our immune system because that is our biggest weapon and it is not as expensive as we may think.

We do not have to spend large sums of money on vitamin supplements but to maintain our five a day and while doing that, make sure our vegetables and fruits are washed thoroughly and please do not fill your vegetables and fruits with salt because you are washing vegetables and fruits, also Vinegar really is not Vegetable wash, many have developed serious salmonella through not washing vegetables and fruits thoroughly, this could be be very dangerous, we have reduced the price of our floral and Alkaline based Organic Veggie Wash and it is now affordable to all, we have also reduced the price for our Immune booster juices and made it more affordable during this period, there is also unfortunate increase in malaria and again when your immune system is strong, you can keep malaria at bay.

We should also consider steaming at least twice weekly, you do not need to go to sauna, you can contact us to give you the recipe for healthy and safe steaming but please when you steam, kindly cover yourself and go straight to bed because after steaming your pores are open and you could catch terrible cold as a result, if you are above fifty and may have issues with your attery, please kindly take a soluble aspirin per day with meal, also sugarcane juice, baobab, if you have ulcer, please kindly keep away from acidic foods and fruits, please kindly avoid lemon, ginger, oranges, fall in love with green tea and cranberry, for diabetes, watercress, bitter melon, spearmint, cumin and lime are great iñ keeping your pancreas clean and keeping your insulin working, the three secrets of Optimum health is getting your circulation, metabolism right and avoiding inflammation,.

We wish you as usual a great and beautiful month ahead, have a peaceful and joyful healthy and as always keep safe, healthy and happy, cheer up, things will only get better if we are all focused and not distracted.

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