Are you planning to get pregnant and have a child?
Having that perfect child that is healthy and beautiful is every parents dream but we sometimes, fail to do what should be done to achieve that. Yes it is possible to have a healthy and brilliant child and like everything of quality standard, planning is important. Now, here is what you should be doing before you start the conceiving process.
Visit your doctor and your gynecologist to find out your health status and this should be done by both parents. Check your fertility. If everything is okay, then it is time to prepare your body internally for that very important journey and responsibility. What you eat may decide how healthy your expected child will be, it will also help in deciding how fast you can get pregnant being fertile is not all you need to have a healthy child and this process is for both parents. Your physical and psychological health is an important factor if you want to have a healthy and brilliant child. Detoxify and cleanse your system and get into a healthy status for that important journey. Eat Healthy and avoid any food that is processed or may contain additives, preservatives or have anything harmful to you or your baby. Reduce salt and sugar. Put off Alcohol and smoking. Get your body fit through regular exercise both parents should undertake all these process.
Your diet should contain Zinc, Folic Acid, Calcium, Protein, riboflavin, Vitamin C, E and B. When you are pregnant it is advisable to avoid unpasteurized cheese and milk products. You do not need to be rich to have a healthy & brilliant child because these foods and vegetables that are rich in these important and essential vitamins can be found locally and reasonably priced.
Get quality and qualitative sleep and your emotion should be stable and relaxed. Expectant mothers should remember that what they eat and how they feel could also reflect on the child long term. Remember also that the 9 months of your pregnancy should be your happiest and try your best to avoid anything that could cause you emotional strife. Have that healthy and brilliant child that you deserve because you deserve it but you must do the right thing.
After the child is born, make sure that breast milk is your first option unless advised otherwise. A happy and healthy pregnancy period is possible and also after watch out on your mood after delivery. If you feel weepy or low, let your doctor know immediately. It is okay, post natal depression is normal although not everyone gets it and there is help for it, you do not need to suffer in silence or feel ashamed. If you are thinking of taking that leap of getting pregnant, we can offer you advice on suitable diets nutrition.