Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association Of Nigeria

Grow Organic, Live Organic, Eat Healthy & Glow

July 12, 2018

Crunchy Nut and Fruit Bars

Crunchy Nut and Fruit Bars Recipe.


  • 5 medjool dates, soaked, pitted and peeled
  • ¾ cup organic almond butter
  • pinch salt
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons water
  • ½ cup organic raw almonds
  • ½ cup organic raw cashews
  • ½ cup organic hazelnuts
  • ½ cup organic pistachios
  • ¼ cup sunflower seeds
  • ¼ cup organic shredded coconut
  • large handful dried organic cherries, diced apricots, or dried blueberries (your choice)


  1. Soak dates in hot water for minimum 20 minutes, until softened. Peel off the skin and remove the pits. Add dates, almond butter, salt, and 2 tablespoons of water to food processor. Pulse until smooth, adding additional water 1 teaspoon at a time as needed. Mixture should be firm but smooth.
  2. Combine the rest of the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. With clean hands, work the date-and-almond-butter mixture with the nuts, dried fruit of your choice, and shredded coconut until completely blended.
  3. Line a pan (a loaf pan works great for these bars) with parchment paper and firmly pack the mixture into the pan. For crunchier bars, bake at 325°F for 20 to 25 minutes.
  4. For the raw bar option, simply place in the fridge and allow to set for a minimum of an hour before cutting. Keep refrigerated and enjoy within a week.


Try thinly slicing the onion, and quick-pickle it in pepperoncini brine for a few minutes before tossing in the salad.

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