Organic Livestock and Crops Owners Association Of Nigeria

Grow Organic, Live Organic, Eat Healthy & Glow

April 5, 2018

7 things to make you smile & keep your chin up!

  1. You are alive and all your organs are functioning despite current hardship as it may seem to some.
  2. The sun is shining so you do not need to go on Vitamin D supplements.
  3. You will surely see or hear something that will make you smile before the end of everyday because nothing is normal in this World. Things happening around you are comical. If you need to laugh louder, just google all the blabs of George W. Bush Jr.
  4. If you have children or elder parents or relatives, they are bound to ask you strange, weird & funny questions.
  5. Just think of how some smart but heartless people have used our love for material things and money to reap us all off. Before MMM, there were others and now we have Bitcoin, but what they are not doing is telling us why less than 1% of the World population are the ones that never loose, no matter what is in-vogue.
  6. Consider life without money, bitcoin, or cowry, when everybody becomes equal and all Banks are shutdown. What will those 1% super wealthy do and how will life be generally.
  7. Consider the World without Election & Government.




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