July 7, 2018

4 Amazing Organic Drinks for Weight Loss
- 4 medium size carrots
- Handful of mint leaves
- I cucumber
- 1/2 slice of lemon
- Chop the carrots, cucumber and mint leaves Toss them into the blender and spin to a fine mixture
- Pour the juice into a glass and serve chilled
Health benefits
- Carrot is a good source of powerful antioxidants such as beta carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamins. Beta carotene is a building block of vitamin A.
- Beta carotene helps to improve immunity in the body, good for the eyes health, protects the skin and protects the body from oxidative damage of the free radicals.
- Aside from Vitamin A, carrots also contain small amounts of other vitamins C, D, E and K. Carrot smoothie is also a good source of dietary fiber
- .Cucumber is a natural diuretic; it detoxifies the system and removes fat cells from the body.
- A glass of carrot/cucumber smoothie before your meal helps you curb your appetite.
- 3 celery stalk
- Handful of parsley
- ½ slice of lemon
- Chop the celery and the parsley and put them the blender
- Add the ½ of lemon
- Add ¼ cup of portable water and blend
- Strain and pour in a glass, ready to drink
Health benefits
- Celery contains photochemical polyacetylenes and lutein that has anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking a glass of celery juice a day helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism.
- Celery juice is also good for maintaining a balanced pH levels. It also removes toxins from the kidney and reduces the risk of kidney stone.
- Celery juice stimulates production of urines and also helps in bowl movement thus preventing constipation. Celery juice contains lots of vitamins and folates which make the skin glow.
- 2 cups of chopped cabbage
- 12 cups of chopped cucumber
- Handful of mint leaves
- Pour the chopped cabbage, cucumber and the mint in the blender and grind until it is smooth.
- Pour the juice into a glass and begin to sip.
Health benefits
- Cabbage belongs to cruciferous family of vegetable. They are known for their anti -cancer properties.
- Cabbage contains lots of vitamin and minerals. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and K.
- Cabbage juice. Drinking cabbage juice detoxifies the body. The antioxidant Glucosinolates found in cabbage helps to remove toxins from the body system.
- Cabbage juice is also a good diet for weight loss. Cabbage is very rich in fiber and low in calories. A glass of cabbage contains only about 18 calories yet loaded with multi vitamins and mineral for skin repairs.
- Cabbage juice is known for controlling stomach ulcer. The active ingredient sulforaphane and other natural enzymes in cabbage help to neutralize the acidity of the stomach and control the growth of Helicobacter pylori that causes ulcer.
- 1 Beetroot ,peeled and chopped
- Handful of mint leaves
- 2 bananas peeled and sliced
- Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until it very smooth.
- Put in a glass ready to drink.
Health benefits
- Beet root are rich in nitrates which helps with blood flow and blood pressure.
- Beetroot juice contains a significant amount of vitamin C, and helps with skin discoloration and keeps the skin hydrated.
- . Beetroot is rich in potassium, it promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.
- Beetroot juice is alkaline in nature, which helps combat acidosis and also helps to prevent cancer
- Red beetroots have significant amount of iron. Drinking a glass of beet juice a day helps in regeneration of red blood cells however people with kidney stone illness should avoid drinking beet juice.
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